About Us

Giving and teaching about the "Total Off-Grid" Experience

With more and more individuals, couples and families seeking to save hard earned money and the "trending" Off-Grid Living phenomenon rising, what better way to learn about this trend than by spending time living that trend?

When you book with us, you get everything from learning all the aspects of Off-Grid living, from tools of the trade to becoming self sustaining for a physical and mental health betterment.

Raymond Brogan – CEO

Raymond Brogan – CEO

The Vacation that goesBeyond Your IMAGINATION to be remembered for a LIFETIME!

The Who, What and How

Back in September 28th, 2022, our Founder and CEO Raymond Brogan, an active adult and adrenaline junkie, suffered a life changing accident while on his dirt bike doing motocross.  The accident nearly killed him.  Raymond Brogan was life flighted out of the Nevada mountains and directly to Renown Hospital in Reno Nevada where live saving surgery was performed.  There after Surgery to fuse his neck bones together.

After the surgeries, Raymond Brogan wasn't expected to move or have any feelings from the neck down.  While recuperating from his injuries, Raymond Brogan went in for his last "Pioneering" surgery.  After around three months time, Raymond began Slowly gaining ssensations in his extrmities and eventually minute motion.

After three more months of grueling physical therapy, Raymond Brogan was released from the skilled nursing facility, walking without a walker, cane or wheelchair.  His Prognosis, 98% recovery.

It was then that Raymond Brogan decided to purchase land to live off the grid, away from people.  The land was then purchased through Aspen Land Holdings from Adam Egloff.

But it doesn't stop there.  Raymond Brogan decided to better imself and to NOT stay away from his good nature and hatched the idea for "The Total Off-Grid Experience".  A place where people can vacation and leave more empowered about Off-Grid living and Homesteading. 

Question:  How? 
Answer:  First, by actually staying at a place that is truly off the grid, from state, county, and local water, electric and waste utilities.  You will be thoroughly surprised how living off the grid does NOT mean giving up modern conveniences!

Your stay can be as short as four days to as long as a month. 

Question:  What can you expect?
1. You may simply choose to stay and enjoy the experience, or you may elect from one or any number of classes offered, included in the pricing of your stay

2. You can elect to learn about;
           a. Solar Power
           b. Wind Power
           c. Gardening/Farming
           d. Greenhousing
           e. Livestock Raising and Care

3. You can elect to bring your own UTV, ATV, Quads, and/or Dirtbikes as well as snowmobiles (winter seasons) to go ride off and explore the Nevada desert wonders and wildlife.

4. If you don't have your own powersports equipment, you are welcome to include one of ours for your stay. (scheduling is required)

5. You can bring your own horses to explore the many ranges, hills and trails available.

6. If you don't have your own horses and would like to learn about care, raising and riding your own horse, then we can teach you with our vast selection of horses.

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What Activities Are Available?

We are so Glad you asked!

We are excited to present, "The Total Wild West Trek Experience", "The Total Off-Road Experience", "The Total Horse Back Riding Experience", and finally, "The Total Honey-Bee Experience".

Select a title to learn more

Total Off Grid
The Total Off Grid Experience...

The ONLY vacation where You LIVE & LEARN all about SELF SUSTAINABILITY!

A Place With History

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A stay that you'll remember for a Lifetime, a stay your friends and family will thank you for, a stay that will make you free!

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Elko, Elko County Nevada, USA

+1 775.447.5533


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